New music recorded since the move down to Kerry. Texture wise its maybe a bit too fuzzy as I was using an  old mic and a dictaphone a fair bit. If anybody wants to remaster and try and remove the fuzz feel free.

Check out the rest of my stuff on Bandcamp or Soundcloud. I know it won’t set the world of music alight but everybody needs a hobby I suppose.

Great Swedish Music Pt.2


I’ve just discovered this group recently. How they slipped through my net I don’t know, but hey great to discover new music and they also happen to be swedish so, I thought I would pop them in here. Unfortunately they’ve broken up now but their stuff is well worth seeking out they did some great remixes too. I must do some research and see what they’re up to now.

Cool Kylie remix.

Loney Dear

I met Loney Dear on a train in Stockholm after seeing him playing at a festival earlier in the day. True story.

Great Swedish music pt 1.

Just thought I would follow up on Goat by posting some more great Swedish bands that I love. Hi Muller.

The Radio Dept

Check out this interview from 2010.

There site seems to be newly updated so here’s hoping on a new album.

Jens Lekman

Air France

Who have broken up.


Get a free download of a jj song perfect for summer vibes here.

When I think of some more  I’ll do another post.